Content: workshop aimed at architects, professionals, operators in the construction industry
Certificates: participants will receive a certificate of attendance
Costs: 300,00 € (VAT included) for the 2-day workshop + 2 nights in hostel + 4 meals
bank transfer: Alekoslab cooperativa sociale arl onlus, banca etica: iban it13n0501801600000000120482 bic ccrtit2184b
Registration: granara.org/form/iscrizione-workshop-terra-design
Dressing: PPE and protective clothing provided by the partecipants
Insurance: Participants will be asked to sign a release form
Place: ecological village GRANARA –via Granara 38 Valmozzola (Parma)
Person in charge: arch. Sergio Sabbadini (s.sabbadini@disstudio.it)
- magister arti Kenji MATSUKI (Japan): Master craftsman of raw earth and lime
– President of the Company "Sou-Ciku-Be" has worked in the field for 15 years.
1996: first prize at the national competition of excellence artisans (Ministry of Labour and Construction)
2012 recognition as a contemporary craftsman of excellence (Ministry of Labour and Construction) - arch. Sergio SABBADINI (Italy): Expert in earth construction (ANAB -Politecnico Milan -disstudio)
Training Assistance: arch. Antonio Salvatore, Dario Sabbadini
Language: English and Italian (tranlator for Japanese: Shinsaku Suzuki)
Informations: villaggio@granara.org